I used to be obsessed with this little series called Xiao Xiao. For the wee lads, Its an old flash series about a black stickfigure who kicks ass. One thing I like about the series itself is the episode's pattern. (First episode: Movie, Next episode: Game, etc.)
As much as I liked Xiao Xiao, I was more into Joe Zombie. Hell, the pseudonym I use, MortoGen, comes from it. Basically this guy named Baxter kills our main protagonist, Joe Rombie. Then this guy writes his name on Rombie's tomb ...making him come to life again?? Its never said how how he even turns into a zombie. But anyways he has to go back to MortoGen for some reason, I don't remember, I need to rewatch it. Ive tried to get my friends into it, but they werent interested.